Monday, August 22, 2011

Notepad Trick

Notepad Trick 1:  To Test “Anti-Virus”
If you want to check your anti-virus activity or effectiveness, you can use this notepad trick.
  • Copy this code:
  • Open Notepad and paste it.
  • Save it with .exe extension like checkantivirus.exe.
  • Your antivirus will detect this file and attempt to delete it as soon as you save this file.
  • That proves your antivirus is working properly, if not, try another reliable antivirus.

Notepad Trick 2: To Make Your Personal Log-Diary

To make a log book, just open notepad and write .LOG, save it and close it. See the log book magic after reopening the file. The current date and time are automatically inserted after your log-entry.
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Notepad Trick 3 : To Hide Text

Notepad can hide texts which follows 4335 rule. That is, the text consists of four words separated by spaces. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th words consist of 4, 3, 3 and 5 letters respectively. Just like “THEY ARE FAT GIRLS” or “BUSH HID THE FACTS”.
  • Open notepad.
  • Write the texts with 4335 rule.
  • Save it with any name.
(This trick may not work in all computers)
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Notepad Trick 4

The flight number which attacked the World trade Centre on 9/11 was Q33NY.
  • Open notepad.
  • Type “Q33NY” without quote in capital letters.
  • Change the font size to 72.
  • Change the fonts to “Wnigdings”.
  • Just see the miracle.
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Notepad Trick 5: To shut Down Computer:-

If you want to shut down your computer forcefully after displaying a message, just follow the trick.
  • Open notepad.
  • Copy the code given below,
@echo off
msg * Its time to get some rest.
shutdown -c “Error! You have to take rest! Byeeeeee” -s
  • Save the file with .bat extension. That’s it.

Notepad Trick 6: To convert “Texts into Audio”:-

  • Open Notepad.
  • Copy the codes given below,
Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox(“Enter your text for conversion–”,”Knowhacking Text-To-Audio Converter”)
Set sapi=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”)
sapi.Speak msg
  • Save it with ‘.vbs’ extension.
  • Now open the saved file and see the magic.

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